
Ultimate checklist to prepare for your spring ebike riding

Ultimate checklist to prepare for your spring ebike riding

As the weather warms up, characterized by birdsong and fragrant blooms, spring is the perfect time to dust off your electric bike and hit the trails for a ride. Shedding the layers of winter clothing, the air fills with the...

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International Women’s Day 2024: Empowering Women Adventurers with Cyrusher E-Bikes

International Women’s Day 2024: Empowering Women Adventurers with Cyrusher E-Bikes

The festival for women adventurers is on schedule. By relying on e-bikes, women areound the world are experiencing a revolutionary new way to travel, changing the game for their exploration. On this International Women's Day, we encourage all women to...

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Which is Better: Thumb Throttle or Twist Throttle?

Which is Better: Thumb Throttle or Twist Throttle?

An ebike throttle is one of the most important components of an electric bike. It allows the rider to regulate the speed of the motor without needing to pedal. When the rider engages the throttle, this signals the motor to supply energy...

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The Ultimate Guide for Long Range Ebike

The Ultimate Guide for Long Range Ebike

The rise in electric bicycles offers a convenient and eco-friendly travel option compared to traditional bikes and cars. Within the wide range of electric bikes available, long-range electric bikes have gained traction among commuters and outdoor enthusiasts seeking extended battery...

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How to Store an Ebike Battery in Winter

How to Store an Ebike Battery in Winter

As temperatures drop, the frequency of outdoor activities also decreases. While e-bikes have enough strength and  power to ride in the snow, riders are often limited by the cold weather, leading to a significant drop in how often they ride...

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Which is Better: Fat Tyre E-bikes vs. Thin Tyre E-bikes

Which is Better: Fat Tyre E-bikes vs. Thin Tyre E-bikes

In the booming era of electric bicycles, riders now have many mobility options, each crafted to suit various terrains, preferences, and riding styles. A crucial element influencing these differences lies in the selection of tires. This article explores the riding...

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Cyrusher Advances Future Mobility with Electrifying Innovation and Sustainable Solutions

Cyrusher, a leading manufacturer of electric mobility vehicles and other devices, recently presented its comprehensive range of innovative products (including electric snowboards, electric skateboards, electric surfboards and electric bicycles) at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2024. The event marked the introduction of...

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A Cyrusher Rider’s Story: Cristina's Journey to Independence on the Kuattro

A Cyrusher Rider’s Story: Cristina's Journey to Independence on the Kuattro

The Cyrusher e-bike is the embodiment of innovation and inclusivity in the field of personal mobility. It represents more than just a simple mobility tool, it is also a powerful support for an empowered new life. In this issue, Cristina,...

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How Fast can an Electric Bike Go

How Fast can an Electric Bike Go

The world of bicycling has witnessed a revolution with the advent of e-bikes, offering efficient and swift travel while presenting an environmentally friendly, portable mode of transportation. One of the most common questions among riders pertains to how fast an...

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