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Blog-How to Maintain an Electric Bike Motor

How to Maintain an Electric Bike Motor

The motor, as one of the most significant components of an electric bicycle, must be maintained for the vehicle to operate more effectively and to ride effortlessly in challenging mountain areas. This article will show you how to maintain an...

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Blog-How Long Does an Ebike Battery Last

How Long Does an Ebike Battery Last?

The question riders frequently ask is about the battery life of an electric bicycle. Considering that the battery life varies depending on the options available on the display interface, predicting how long the battery will last can be challenging. The...

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Blog-Essential accessories for riding an electric bike

Essential accessories for riding an electric bike

Over the past few years, electric bikes have become increasingly popular and riding safely on e-bikes continues to be a growing concern. Wearing the necessary accessories, such as a helmet, during your ride can help to optimize your safety and...

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